iPage.com is the easiest way to get a web site up quickly & easily on the internet. If you can write an email you will be able to build a professional web site in 20 minutes. The Package also comes with hosting & emails. This package is terrific for small businesses, Professionals, Organizations, families or individuals who want a great looking web site for a very low cost. The price is $6 per month ( $.20/day ) for the web hosting, emails web builder and 24/7 technical support.
Visit iPage
Template Monster is a world leader in e-commerce - providing customers with valuable, convenient, relevant and enjoyable online experiences through a diversity of products and services. The main orientation of the company is web design with an emphasis on affordable web design products and services. We pioneered in creating and selling high quality website templates. Our library is currently the largest on the Internet, with over 5,000 website template designs. We add, on average, 150-200 new designs monthly.
Visit Template Monster Web design services from Splash Web Design give you the edge your business needs. Our qualified and well-trained staff are equipped to help you with your businesses needs weather that be an informative page, or a database driven e-commerce site.