Jackson, Mississippi Internet Service Providers
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The company's pay services include Internet access, accelerated dial-up services, premium email, and personal Web-hosting and domain services. It also offers consumers free Internet access, email and Web hosting. The company's access services are available in more than 8,000 cities across the United States and in Canada.
Visit NetZero
Comcast's blazing-fast 100% Pure Broadband
Visit Comcast.com Jackson Internet Service Providers
NETDOOR has seen a lot of firsts in it's history. We were the first commercial ISP in Mississippi to have a T1 connection to the Internet, the first to have more than one local point of presence and the first to have multiple gateways to the Internet. NETDOOR was also the first to lead the way in high speed 56K analog access, as well as being the first in the state to support the ITU v.90/56k and USR x2 standard on 100% of our modems, and more recently we were the first to offer ADSL access.
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